Do you remember the one word you chose to describe "What You Pawn I Will Redeem" from Monday's class?
What one word would you use to describe it now? Do not chose the same word from Monday. No synonyms either!
2. Based on your observations of Wednesday's discussion, complete the sentence below.
For the remainder of the semester, one thing I can do in discussions is ________?________. I will know that I have accomplished this when ________?________. (In other words, how will you know you've accomplished this?)
3. Snapshot Essay. (See "Quarter Three Class Documents" below for a detailed handout.) Please submit it as an email attachment or to my dropbox on the mamabear server.
2.Cite page numbers every time,every time i speak during a given discussion, that cites something in the text, I cite it the page, for an entire discussion.
Are we supposed to post our Snapshots here too? If so, I'll post it later.
1. My first word was annoying, now I say searching.
2. Ask questions that cause us to go deeper into the text. I now I will accoplish that when I start to get more out of the discussions becasue we are answering indepth questions.
One Word: Identity
"For the remainder of the semester, one thing I can do in discussions is" ...listen to other people's ideas and viewpoints. I tend to stay inside my own point of view and like to stay within my comfort zone. "I will know that I have accomplished this when" I've taken others' ideas into account to reform my main point/idea/argument. I will have learned more because I listened better and now have a broader scope of the topic within the discussion.
Snapshot to come. =)
one word to describe this story: Lost
For the remainder of the semester one thing I can do in discussions is speak up more, and keep myself active in the book. I will know I have accomplished this when I feel in equilibrium with the class and the discussions are smooth flowing and fun.
John S.
First word: enlightening
Second word: value
For the remainder of the semester, one thing i can do in discussions is annotate with the text more and refer back to the text using textual evidence. I know that i have accomplished this when Mr. Barry starts pumping his fist and when what im saying is not just out of thin air but i am able to back it up making the argument harder to contrast with.
first word: unclear
New word: redemption
For the remainder of the semester, one thing i can do in discussions is to speak up and state my opinions more for the benefit of myself and my classmates. I know that i have accomplished this when maybe there are less long awkward pauses in class discussions.
My first word was pointless, but my new word is ethereal.
For the remainder of the semester, one thing I can do in discussions is learn to value other people's opinions and let my own opinions go if they are disproved or a better one is presented. I will know that I have accomplished this when I come out of discussions with a new perspective on the text.
Jack Pattee
1.my new word is complicated
2. For the remainder of the semester, one thing i can do in discussions is stay focus more. I will know that i have accomplished this when i can go through a whole discussion without going on about something that doesn't relate to the text.
Andi Foss
1. Culture.
2. I will... make sure to stay on top of readings. I will have accomplished this when I can participate more in discussions.
1. My new word is personifying
2. for the remainder of the semester I believe I can cite the text more often. I will know I am accomplishing this when I can look up at least 4 different times and places in one discussion. Each time will be a different topic and different area of the book.
New word: redeeming
I think the thing I most need to do during discussions is speak up more. I tend to sit back and let other people run the discussion. If I start to become more of a part of our discussions, I'll know that I've accomplished my goal.
One word: Confused.
The thing we can do is participate more in the discussion. I often got lost because it was too fast for me!
I gotta catch up!
1. Journey.
2. For the remainder of the semester, one thing I can do in discussions is _refer to the text_______. I will know that I have accomplished this when _____people are engaged when I make a point and I do it often______.
1.My first word was confusing, Now it's searching
2.I need to work of referring to the text more often, but more importantly I need to work on acknowledging and absorbing what others have to say. Once I manage to take new insight of the text away from class from my peers, I will know that I am being an attentive listener.
1) Symbolism
2) For the rest of the semester, one thing I can do in discussion is talk more about the deeper elements of the story, and work to understand more of the metaphors. To do this, I will try to take much more detailed annotations.
1. complicated
2. to give more consideration to other's opinions. I change my opinion based on someone elses.
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